With a Little Help From My Friends
The Few and the Mighty, Recommended References on Linen Damask
The best way to know quality antique and vintage linen damask is by touch and sight. The only way to learn about linen damask to lay eyes and hands on as much as you can. Along the way, here are some resources that might help.
These are also some of the resources I used to help put structure and facts to my life long love of linen damask. Enjoy!
The Book of Fine Linen
by Francoise de Bonneville with preface by Marc Porthault
In addition to containing some very good information on linen damasks, this is my first choice for linen collector eye candy.
White Figurated Linen Damask: From the 15th to the Beginning of the 19th Century
by G. T Van Yaselsteyn:~~~~~:~~~~~:~~~~~:~~~~~:~~~~~:~~~~~:~~~~~:
Fiber to Fabric
by M. David / Corbman, Bernard P. Potter ~ Mine is the 3rd edition.
I’ve not found this on any other recommended reading list. It was recommended to me by a friend, the late Joan Reed Kiplinger, co-author of Vintage Fabrics Identification & Value Guide ~ also a very good resource. Fiber to Fabric is the BEST I’ve found on fabric identification in general, covering everything from microscope views of natural and manmade fibers to simple on-the-spot tricks. Also a very good chapter on linen damasks with much information. Thanks, Joan. You are sorely missed.
20th Century Linens and Lace, a Guide to Identification
by Elizabeth Scofield and Peggy Zalamea
A standard on just about everyone’s recommended list, and rightfully so. A few pages with practical information on linen damask and some good pictures of colored damasks.
The Complete Guide to Vintage Textiles
by Elizabeth Kurella

Like all of Elizabeth Kurella’s books, the best lessons in hand-eye identification of textiles, including weaves and attributes of linen damask.
By using a quote from Mayle in the first antique linen damask static page, I reserved the right to add this book to my recommendations list. I enjoyed it thoroughly; the humor, the narrative, the scene setting. If you like anything that involves food, France, fun and a lovely albeit slightly offbeat look at the world, you’ll love this one over and over and over again.
French Lessons: Adventures with Knife, Fork, and Corkscrew
by Peter Mayle